1In the <head> section of the HTML page the following <script> tags must be included:
<title> Adtailor Integration <title>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://az801420.vo.msecnd.net/atjs/api-1.5.js"></script>
2In the <body> section of the HTML page the following example javascript code must be included:
<title> Adtailor Integration <title>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://az801420.vo.msecnd.net/atjs/api-1.5.js"></script>
function callback_function(adtailorData) {
try {
} catch(err) {
//if for some reason javascript source was not loaded
$timestamp = number_format(round(microtime(true) * 1000),0,"","");
$token = md5($timestamp.$apiKey);
$userId = "111111";
<title> Adtailor Integration <title>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://az801420.vo.msecnd.net/atjs/api-1.5.js"></script>
function onAdtailorDataLoad(adtailorData) {
document.write("Fingerprint:" + adtailorData.fingerprint + "<br>");
document.write("Country:" + adtailorData.country + "<br>");
document.write("State:" + adtailorData.state + "<br>");
document.write("City:" + adtailorData.city + "<br>");
document.write("Zip:" + adtailorData.zip + "<br>");
document.write("OS Family:" + adtailorData.osFamily + "<br>");
document.write("OS Name:" + adtailorData.osName + "<br>");
document.write("Browser Family:" + adtailorData.browserFamily + "<br>");
document.write("Browser Name:" + adtailorData.browserName + "<br>");
document.write("Screen Width:" + adtailorData.screenWidth + "<br>");
document.write("Screen Height:" + adtailorData.screenHeight + "<br>");
document.write("Ethnicity:" + adtailorData.ethnicity + "<br>");
document.write("HouseholdIncome:" + adtailorData.householdIncome + "<br>");
document.write("HouseholdIncomeLocal:" + adtailorData.householdIncomeLocal + "<br>");
document.write("Age:" + adtailorData.age + "<br>");
document.write("Education:" + adtailorData.education + "<br>");
document.write("HealthInsurance:" + adtailorData.healthInsurance + "<br>");
document.write("PovertyLevel:" + adtailorData.povertyLevel + "<br>");
document.write("CrashDeath:" + adtailorData.crashDeath + "<br>");
document.write("Diabetes:" + adtailorData.diabetes + "<br>");
document.write("DiabeticScreening:" + adtailorData.diabeticScreening + "<br>");
document.write("ExcessiveDrinking:" + adtailorData.excessiveDrinking + "<br>");
document.write("FastFood:" + adtailorData.fastFood + "<br>");
document.write("FineParticulateMatter:" + adtailorData.fineParticulateMatter + "<br>");
document.write("MammographyScreening:" + adtailorData.mammographyScreening + "<br>");
document.write("Obesity:" + adtailorData.obesity + "<br>");
document.write("PhysicalInactivity:" + adtailorData.physicalInactivity + "<br>");
document.write("PoorHealth:" + adtailorData.poorHealth + "<br>");
document.write("PrematureDeath:" + adtailorData.prematureDeath + "<br>");
document.write("RecreationalFacilities:" + adtailorData.recreationalFacilities + "<br>");
document.write("SexTransDis:" + adtailorData.sexTransDis + "<br>");
document.write("Smoking:" + adtailorData.smoking + "<br>");
document.write("TeenBirth:" + adtailorData.teenBirth + "<br>");
document.write("Crime:" + adtailorData.crime + "<br>");
document.write("Unemployment:" + adtailorData.unemployment + "<br>");
document.write("Mortgage:" + adtailorData.mortgage + "<br>");
document.write("CreditRate:" + adtailorData.creditRate + "<br>");
try {
load_adtailor_data ("onAdtailorDataLoad",true,"<?php echo $userId ?>", "<?php echo $timestamp ?>", "<?php echo $token ?>");
} catch (err) {
<%@page import="java.security.MessageDigest">
public String md5(String string) {
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
try {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
byte[] bytes = md.digest();
for ( int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++ ) {
String s = Integer.toHexString(bytes[i] & 0xFF);
if ( s.length() == 1 )
} catch (Exception e) {}
return buff.toString();
String apiKey = "123456789012345678901234567890";
long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
String token = md5(timestamp+apiKey);
String userId = "111111";
<title> Adtailor Integration <title>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://az801420.vo.msecnd.net/atjs/api-1.5.js"></script>
function onAdtailorDataLoad(adtailorData) {
document.write("Fingerprint:" + adtailorData.fingerprint + "<br>");
document.write("Country:" + adtailorData.country + "<br>");
document.write("State:" + adtailorData.state + "<br>");
document.write("City:" + adtailorData.city + "<br>");
document.write("Zip:" + adtailorData.zip + "<br>");
document.write("OS Family:" + adtailorData.osFamily + "<br>");
document.write("OS Name:" + adtailorData.osName + "<br>");
document.write("Browser Family:" + adtailorData.browserFamily + "<br>");
document.write("Browser Name:" + adtailorData.browserName + "<br>");
document.write("Screen Width:" + adtailorData.screenWidth + "<br>");
document.write("Screen Height:" + adtailorData.screenHeight + "<br>");
document.write("Ethnicity:" + adtailorData.ethnicity + "<br>");
document.write("HouseholdIncome:" + adtailorData.householdIncome + "<br>");
document.write("HouseholdIncomeLocal:" + adtailorData.householdIncomeLocal + "<br>");
document.write("Age:" + adtailorData.age + "<br>");
document.write("Education:" + adtailorData.education + "<br>");
document.write("HealthInsurance:" + adtailorData.healthInsurance + "<br>");
document.write("PovertyLevel:" + adtailorData.povertyLevel + "<br>");
document.write("CrashDeath:" + adtailorData.crashDeath + "<br>");
document.write("Diabetes:" + adtailorData.diabetes + "<br>");
document.write("DiabeticScreening:" + adtailorData.diabeticScreening + "<br>");
document.write("ExcessiveDrinking:" + adtailorData.excessiveDrinking + "<br>");
document.write("FastFood:" + adtailorData.fastFood + "<br>");
document.write("FineParticulateMatter:" + adtailorData.fineParticulateMatter + "<br>");
document.write("MammographyScreening:" + adtailorData.mammographyScreening + "<br>");
document.write("Obesity:" + adtailorData.obesity + "<br>");
document.write("PhysicalInactivity:" + adtailorData.physicalInactivity + "<br>");
document.write("PoorHealth:" + adtailorData.poorHealth + "<br>");
document.write("PrematureDeath:" + adtailorData.prematureDeath + "<br>");
document.write("RecreationalFacilities:" + adtailorData.recreationalFacilities + "<br>");
document.write("SexTransDis:" + adtailorData.sexTransDis + "<br>");
document.write("Smoking:" + adtailorData.smoking + "<br>");
document.write("TeenBirth:" + adtailorData.teenBirth + "<br>");
document.write("Crime:" + adtailorData.crime + "<br>");
document.write("Unemployment:" + adtailorData.unemployment + "<br>");
document.write("Mortgage:" + adtailorData.mortgage + "<br>");
document.write("CreditRate:" + adtailorData.creditRate + "<br>");
try {
load_adtailor_data ("onAdtailorDataLoad",true,"<%=userId%>", "<%=timestamp%>", "<%=token%>");
} catch (err) {
1In the head section of the HTML page the following <script> tags must be included:
<title> Adtailor Integration <title>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://az801420.vo.msecnd.net/atjs/pixel-1.3.js"></script>
2In the body section of the HTML page the following example javascript code must be included:
<title> Adtailor Integration <title>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://az801420.vo.msecnd.net/atjs/api-1.5.js"></script>
try {
adtailor_pixel(userid , group , pixel);
} catch(err) {}
Parameter | Type | Description | Geo Availability |
userid | mandatory | API User ID | |
group | optional | Optional parameter which can be used for additional tracking | |
pixel | optional | Optional parameter which can be used for additional tracking |
<title> Adtailor Integration <title>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="./pixel-1.3-orig.js"></script>
try {
adtailor_pixel("111111", "Group Name","Pixel Name", "<%=ip%>");
} catch(err) {}
In this example we will see how we can change images based on Adtailor's API properties. Let's say we have a website through which we sell cosmetics. We want to dynamically change the image for the jumbotron section based on user's age. As shown below we have an image with a beautiful young lady loading when we open the website at first. But we want this image to be flexible and change in accordance with user's age. Let's see how we can tailor the appropriate image with Adtailor's API.
1Find the element that holds the image and insert an id. In this case we insert id attribute with the value "changeImg" :
<div class="image-wrapper">
<div id="cahngeImg"></div>
#changeImg {
background-image: url("../example/young.jpg");
2 Below is shown the Javascript code which selects the element with the background image and by calling Adtailor's object property checks if the user's age is above average and if that case is true the default image is replaced by the new one.
function onAdtailorDataLoad(adtailorData) {
var image = document.getElementById("#cahngeImg");
if( adtailorData.age > 3 ) { // Where > 3 means age above average
image.style.backgroundImage = url("../example/old-woman.jpg");
Below you can see the result after we have executed our code...
In this example we will see how we can change images based on Adtailor's ethnicity property.
function onAdtailorDataLoad(adtailorData) {
var image = document.getElementById("#cahngeImg");
switch(adtailorData.ethnicity) {
case 2: // Loads hispanic image
image.style.backgroundImage = url("../example/hispanic.jpg")
case 3: // Loads african-american image
image.style.backgroundImage = url("../example/african.jpg")
case 4: // Loads asian image
image.style.backgroundImage = url("../example/asian.jpg")
case 6: // Loads Native Hawaiian image
image.style.backgroundImage = url("../example/hawaii.jpg")
image.style.backgroundImage = url("../example/young.jpg")
Below you see the output of our code. You can see the four cases we are checking for and how the image changes according to what Adtailor's object returns as a result.
In this case scenario we will use Adtailor's householdIncome property. We have a website selling sunglases and we want to load content based on user's household income. If we have users with low income we want to load products which have lower price and vise versa. Here's how we can do this.
1 First we need to set the variables for our containers. Below is the html representing the structure.
<div id="productsContainer">
<div class="product-first">
<img src="products/high-income-1.jpg" alt="">
<p class="product-text">Ray-Ban RB41897</p>
<p class="product-price">557,00 USD7</p>
<div class="product-second">
<img src="products/high-income-2.jpg" alt="">
<p class="product-text">Ray-Ban RB41897</p>
<p class="product-price">645,00 USD7</p>
2 In this case we will use jQuery to change the sources and the laod products:
function onAdtailorDataLoad(adtailorData) {
var prodContainer = $("#productsContainer");
var firstProductImg = prodContainer.find(".product-first").find("img");
var firstProductName = prodContainer.find(".product-first").find(".product-text");
var firstProductPrice = prodContainer.find(".product-first").find(".product-price");
var secondProductImg = prodContainer.find(".product-second").find("img");
var secondProductName = prodContainer.find(".product-second").find(".product-text");
var secondProductPrice = prodContainer.find(".product-second").find(".product-price");
if( adtailorData.householdIncome > 3 ) {
firstProductName.html("Marc Jacobs MJ 525/S 6PM");
firstProductPrice.html("1.594,00 USD");
secondProductName.html("Ray Ban ERIKA 525/S 6PM");
secondProductPrice.html("1.557,00 USD");
Below you see the output of our code and how our content changed dynamically
In this case scenario we will use Adtailor's obesity , crashDeath , diabetes , excessiveDrinking , smoking , householdIncome properties. We have a website selling sunglases and we want to load content based on user's household income. If we have users with low income we want to load products which have lower price and vise versa. Here's how we can do this.
Below are outlined the containers which will be changing their content based on the new proeperties' detection. We have four containers with the id names as follow : container1 , container2 , container3.
Here is the HTML code which holds the containers.
<div id="productsContainer">
<div class="product-first">
<img src="products/high-income-1.jpg" alt="">
<p class="product-text">Ray-Ban RB41897</p>
<p class="product-price">557,00 USD7</p>
<div class="product-second">
<img src="products/high-income-2.jpg" alt="">
<p class="product-text">Ray-Ban RB41897</p>
<p class="product-price">645,00 USD7</p>
Below you see the output of the code code and how our content changes dynamically
In this case scenario we will combine Adtailor's properties to achieve the final result. We have a real estate website where a pop up window with different offers appears everytime a user lands on our page. We want this window to be flexible and customizable based on the user's profile. In this example we will use the householdIncome and age properties. Below you can see the window which randomly loads special offers every time a user enters our system. In red color are hightlighted the places which should become dynamic and change according to what Adtailor's function returns and their relevant "id" names.
Below you see the JSON file which holds the new content which will replace the default values if we have a match in our conditions for the user profile.
"estatesOffer" : [
"id": 1,
"name": "Single family house",
"image": "estate_1.jpg",
"price": 155.000,
"location": "Texas",
"description": "2300 S 5th St APT B, Austin, TX, Condo/townhome/row home/co-op"
} ,
"id": 2,
"name": "New Construction",
"image": "estate_2.jpg",
"price": 1.750.000,
"location": "South Carolina",
"description": "2275 Swallow Hill Rd, Condo/townhome/row home/co-op"
} ,
"id": 3,
"name": "1-bedroom apartment",
"image": "estate_3.jpg",
"price": 155.000,
"location": "North Carolina",
"description": "1000 Main Campus Drive, Condo/townhome/row home/co-op"
} ,
"id": 4,
"name": "5-bedroom apartment",
"image": "estate_3.jpg",
"price": 950.000,
"location": "Pennsylvania",
"description": "340 E 93rd St Unit 19EF, Condo/townhome/row home/co-op"
Basically as we saw in our JSON file we have 4 offers which we want to have preference and show if we have match in our conditions. In this case we want to build conditions which check our user's age and houseHoldIncome. If their age is above average and their household-income is the same as well, we want to visualize the New Construction offer ( an expensive house ). If their age is above average and their household-income is below average, we want to visualize the Single family house offer ( a cheap house ). Below is shown the JavaScript code which is doing the thing. When the age is below average and the household-income is above average, we want to visualize the 5-bedroom apartment offer ( an expensive apartment ).And in the last case if the age is below average and the household-income is below average, we want to visualize the 1-bedroom apartment offer ( a cheap apartment ) Below is shown the JavaScript code which is doing the thing.
function onAdtailorDataLoad(adtailorData) {
var estateHeading = $("#estateHeading");
var estatePrice = $("#estatePrice");
var estateLocation = $("#estateLocation");
var estateDesc = $("#estateDesc");
var estateImage = $("#estateImage");
if( adtailorData.householdIncome > 3 && adtailorData.age > 3 ) {
estateImage.css("background-image" , "url(../images/old-high.jpg)");
estateHeading.html("New contstruction");
estateLocation.html("South Carolina");
if( adtailorData.householdIncome > 3 && adtailorData.age < 3 ) {
estateImage.css("background-image" , "url(../images/young-high.jpg)");
estateHeading.html("Single family house");
if( adtailorData.householdIncome < 3 && adtailorData.age > 3 ) {
estateImage.css("background-image" , "url(../images/young-low.jpg)");
estateHeading.html("5-bedroom apartment");
if( adtailorData.householdIncome < 3 && adtailorData.age < 3 ) {
estateImage.css("background-image" , "url(../images/young-low.jpg)");
estateHeading.html("1-bedroom apartment");
estateLocation.html("North Carolina");
adtailorData.householdIncome > 3 and adtailorData.age > 3
adtailorData.householdIncome > 3 and adtailorData.age < 3
adtailorData.householdIncome < 3 and adtailorData.age > 3
adtailorData.householdIncome < 3 and adtailorData.age < 3
Parameter | Type | Description |
callback | mandatory | Callback function processing received Adtailor data |
async | mandatory | Type of the ajax request (true/false) |
userid | mandatory | API User ID |
timestamp | mandatory | 13 digits number of milliseconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT) |
token | mandatory | token is generated by formula:token=md5(timestamp+ApiKey) |
group | optional | Optional parameter which can be used for additional tracking |
pixel | optional | Optional parameter which can be used for additional tracking |
Parameter | Type | Description | Geo Availability |
fingerprint | Browser fingerprint | - | |
country | ISO 3166 Country Code | - | |
state | ISO 3166 State/Province Code | - | |
city | Town/City | - | |
zip | Zip / Postal Code | - | |
osFamily | OS Family | - | |
osName | OS Name | - | |
browserFamily | Browser Family | - | |
browserName | Browser Name | - | |
screenWidth | Screen Width | - | |
screenHeight | Screen Height | - | |
ethnicity | Ethnic Background |
age | Integer |
education | Education Level |
householdIncome | Household Income Compared to National Averages |
householdIncomeLocal | Localized Household Income, Compared to State or Provincial Averages |
healthInsurance | Health Insurance Coverage |
povertyLevel | Risk of Poverty |
crashDeath | Motor Vehicle Crash Deaths |
diabetes | Prevelence of Diabetes |
diabeticScreening | Likelihood to Have Had Undergone Screening for Diabetes |
excessiveDrinking | Likelihood to Drink Excessively |
fastFood | Availability of and Access to Fast Food Restaurants |
fineParticulateMatter | Air Pollution - Fine Particulate Matter |
mammographyScreening | Likelihood to Have Had Undergone Mammography Screening |
obesity | Obesity |
physicalInactivity | Likeliness to be Physical Inactivity |
poorHealth | Poor or Fair Health |
prematureDeath | Risk of Premature Death |
recreationalFacilities | Access to Recreational Facilities |
sexTransDis | Sexual Transmitted Diseases |
smoking | Smoking Habits |
teenBirths | Teen Births |
crime | Violent Crimes |
unemployment | Unemployment |
mortgage | Mortgage |
election | Voting Preferences (US only) |
creditRate | Credit Score |
URL https://www.adtailor.com/api/api.1.1
Parameter | Type | Description |
userid | mandatory | API User ID |
ApiKey | mandatory | API Key |
ip | mandatory | IP Address |
format | mandatory | Result format , values json | xml |
group | optional | Optional parameter which can be used for additional tracking |
pixel | optional | Optional parameter which can be used for additional tracking |
Parameter | Type | Description | Geo Availability |
country | ISO 3166 Country Code | - | |
state | ISO 3166 State/Province Code | - | |
city | Town/City | - | |
zip | Zip / Postal Code | - | |
ethnicity | Ethnic Background |
age | Integer |
education | Education Level |
householdIncome | Household Income Compared to National Averages |
householdIncomeLocal | Localized Household Income, Compared to State or Provincial Averages |
healthInsurance | Health Insurance Coverage |
povertyLevel | Risk of Poverty |
crashDeath | Motor Vehicle Crash Deaths |
diabetes | Prevelence of Diabetes |
diabeticScreening | Likelihood to Have Had Undergone Screening for Diabetes |
excessiveDrinking | Likelihood to Drink Excessively |
fastFood | Availability of and Access to Fast Food Restaurants |
fineParticulateMatter | Air Pollution - Fine Particulate Matter |
mammographyScreening | Likelihood to Have Had Undergone Mammography Screening |
obesity | Obesity |
physicalInactivity | Likeliness to be Physical Inactivity |
poorHealth | Poor or Fair Health |
prematureDeath | Risk of Premature Death |
recreationalFacilities | Access to Recreational Facilities |
sexTransDis | Sexual Transmitted Diseases |
smoking | Smoking Habits |
teenBirths | Teen Births |
crime | Violent Crimes |
unemployment | Unemployment |
mortgage | Mortgage |
election | Voting Preferences (US only) |
creditRate | Credit Score |
Request : https://www.adtailor.com/api/api.1.1?userid=xxxxxx&ApiKey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&ip=
"Country": "US",
"State": "CA",
"City": "Orangevale",
"Zip": "95662",
"Ethnicity": "1",
"HouseholdIncome": "4",
"Age": "2",
"Education": "3",
"HealthInsurance": "3",
"PovertyLevel": "3",
"CrashDeath": "1",
"Diabetes": "2",
"DiabeticScreening": "2",
"ExcessiveDrinking": "4",
"FastFood": "3",
"FineParticulateMatter": "3",
"MammographyScreening": "3",
"Obesity": "2",
"PhysicalInactivity": "2",
"PoorHealth": "3",
"PrematureDeath": "2",
"RecreationalFacilities": "3",
"SexTransDis": "4",
"Smoking": "2",
"TeenBirths": "3",
"Crime": "4",
"Unemployment": "0",
"Mortgage": "5",
"Election": "1",
"HouseholdIncomeLocal": "3",
"CreditRate": "4"
Request :https://www.adtailor.com/api/api.1.1?userid=xxxxxx&ApiKey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&ip=